For students
For being so interested
Successful career development requires quality specialization and mentoring relationships. We are always looking for excellent and motivated students interested in developping Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and making the world a better place with the techology.
We yearly receive a selected number of undergraduate students ( alumnos de grado) excited about machine learning and AI for doing their BSc thesis (TFG). We have an opening for Master students for MSc thesis (TFM) on applied research on AI. Moreover, we sometimes have economical support in the form of short term grants and temporal positions to support our research projects.

highly qualified PhD students
for developing a research carreer from the International Doctorate School programs at University of Murcia.
to visitors and short term students
from national and international programs (Erasmus+, etc.). We generally prefer visitors to stay for at least 3 months to carry out a high quality research projects.
Undergraduate students (grado)
We are looking for outstanding FIUM students for a number of graduate programs: Computer Science, Data Science and Mathematics + Computer Sc. While we take students at all levels, excellent grades in AI/machine learning and mathematics is aplus. Generally we expect:
- Students on their last year commited to carry out their BSc thesis (TFG).
- Students on their last year commited to carry out their BSc thesis (TFG).
- Students on their last year commited to carry out their BSc thesis (TFG).
Master students
We receive a selected number of students to carry out highly impact Master thesis (TFM). We receive students from master programs at the FIUM and international programs. We expect:
- Students aimed at developing their MSc thesis on novel AI/ML or cutting edge medical informatics.
- Students interested in the research carreer and academia.
- Prior experience in AI/ML or biomedical background.
PhD students
We mentor higly qualified students from the International Doctorate School programs at University of Murcia.
- Students on their last year commited to carry out their BSc thesis (TFG).
- Students on their last year commited to carry out their BSc thesis (TFG).
- Students on their last year commited to carry out their BSc thesis (TFG).
We are happy to receive intl PhD students from abroad willing to
visit us and know the Med AI Lab people!